Airport Intercom Systems

Airport Intercom System

Airport Intercom System

Airport Hands Free communication

Millions of people fly on thousands of planes every day and with large numbers of people passing through airports, such large gatherings in relatively small spaces presents an obvious target for terrorism and other crime. Airport Security Intercom provides a first line of defence against attacks and crime. From the external fences which enclose the airport to sensitive areas like terminals and baggage handling facilities, security checkpoints and security staff and patrols use AlphaCom and Pro700 for effective internal communications.

The Pro700, Pulse and Alphacom Airport Secuity Intercom, airport announcements, group calls, alarm distribution and more. These features allow an airport to easily customize its communications for specific requirements and needs.

There are a wide range of stations available, these include Clean Room, Control Room and Desktop or wall mounted, master stations, also Vandal Resistant, Industrial and door entry sub-stations.

For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.