Scream and Break Glass Alarm

Advanced Audio Analytics

Cutting edge technology triggers an event upon detecting the audio signature of an incident, such as glass break, human voices and gunshots

Sydney, August 24, 2011 – World leading Intercom manufacturer, STENTOFON, today announced the launch of its next generation Audio Technology at Security 2011 Exhibition. In contrast to conventional ‘scream alarms’, STENTOFON’s solution is the world’s first audio triggered duress alarm that distinguishes between different sounds such as glass break, human voices and gunshots. More>

For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.

VoIP and How it Works

Take a phone conversation (Voice), turn the sound into digital data, put the address of the other end of the conversation on the data, and send it out over the internet along with all the other data (Over Internet Protocol). The data finds it’s way to the other end, gets turned back into sound, and becomes the other end of the conversation. The principle is simple, the more difficult part is in the digitizing standards for compatibility, address assignment, routing, error recovery, etc.


For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.

What is SIP Interfacing

SIP or Session Initiation Protocol

SIP or Session Initiation Protocol has become the de-facto standard for VoIP communication. For this reason, this Protocol has been adopted by all main telecom equipment manufacturers. The SIP standard allows you to connect equipment from different manufacturers, and gives you a number of benefits such as:

· Easier to reach – regardless of the type of communication system in use
· Enable faster response – as more people are connected
· More type of communication terminals can be interconnected
· Optimized communication infrastructure by minimizing server hardware
· Improved user experience – due to the seamless integration (number plan, number and name presentation)


For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.

Which Communication Mode to Use

Communication Modes ?

Audio Communications

Audio communication is  transmitted in a number of ways.

Simplex Audio

Audio is transmitted between two positions one way at a time, normally a button  or switch needs more>

Switched Duplex

Audio is transmitted between two positions the same as Simplex Audio, but the  equipment more>

Full Duplex Audio

Audio is transmitted in both directions simultaneously.  more>

For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.