ORANGE Location API interface

Below we provide reponses to many of Frequently Asked Questions about our Orange Location API Based Service Interface that we can provide to Customers.

How do Location API based services work?

When you “ping” a phone via our Orange Location API service, we request the phones last known location from the Orange network. This is returned to us as a Latitude / Longitude fix along with a degree of accuracy. This information is then available on a secure web based mapping application, or can be relayed via the Internet to another corporate application.

What kind of devices can be located?

Any kind of Device can be located as long as it has a Orange UK Sim card in it. This includes Mobile phones, Data collecting device, Tracking devices etc.

How accurate is the service?

The networks determine the phones position relative to two or more phone cells. Therefore the greater the cell density the greater the accuracy. Within an urban area accuracy can be within 100-200m whereas in a remote area accuracy is measured in km’s.

What safeguards are there to protect people’s privacy?

RingTrack ensures that its LBS customers are compliant with all necessary regulation. The networks own checks are also very stringent to ensure that the service cannot be abused.

Does it work with non-UK phones or outside the UK?

No, it only works on Orange UK SIMS within the UK.

What happens if the phone is inside a building?

This makes no difference. Because the “ping” does not contact the phone itself it does not matter if the phone is inside.

What happens if the phone is switched off?

The response differs by network. Some return no fix whereas others return the last known position. The Orange system remembers the last known position and this passed back in response to the request.

What payment options do you offer?

Subject to status, we offer our Location API plan customers account terms with payment by Credit Card,BACS,cheque or Direct Debit.

What level of support do I get?

Technical Support is provided free of charge either by emailing sales@ringuk.comor calling 01353 865568 during office hours – 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday.

How Does it Work?

After submitting a request to locate a certain mobile number, the Orange location platform provide a result that contains X, Y and Z values. The X and Y are coordinates and the Z value is a radius in metres from point represented by the X and Y. The size of the area depends on the size of the cell, which tends to be smaller in urban areas and larger in less densely populated areas. If you are hosting your own application, The RingTrack Location API can then return the X, Y and Z coordinates to you via the Internet using our simple interface.

What Sort of Location Applications are Possible?

Potential Location applications cover nearly every attractive wireless demographic market, including: parents, teenagers, singles, students, online communities and businesses. Certain businesses depend heavily on mobile voice and/or data communications to operate, such as companies with significant numbers of field employees, and businesses dependent on knowing the location of their assets at any moment, such as transportation by heavy goods vehicles and rail. Beyond this, LBS applications cover nearly every aspect related to human mobility: Convenience, Entertainment, Health/Security/Emergency, Navigation, Travel Aids and so on.

Categories of Location Based Services:

  • “Passive” or “Push” Services

“Passive” or “Push” services are those where a user may consent to have their location requested by the service multiple times by the application or by another user following only one demand. For example a user may subscribe to a “Find My Family” type service, where they give consent to have their location requested on an ad hoc basis in order to be located when somebody else (e.g. a permitted member of their family) wishes.

  • “White List” Services and “White Label Map” services

“White List” services are generally business applications where the owner or administrator of a batch of mobile handsets gives consent for multiple, ad hoc location requests on that batch. Example applications are sales force location or asset tracking. Proof of authority over the list of mobile numbers will be required.

For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.