Pharmacy Intercom

Pharmacy Cleanroom Intercom

Ring Communications have supplied intercom systems to a number of pharmacy departments for internal critical communications.

Department door entry control

Customer and Reception help point

Clean room communications

Air lock communications

Department announcements

Pharmacy door entry control

Pharmacy departments require security, to control people gaining entry to the department. With Door Entry Stations, access can be controlled easily by a receptionist or by other authorised staff in the department.

Customer help point

Where receptions are not manned Customer Help Points give visitors & patients direct communications with department staff.

Pharmacy Clean room communications

Clean rooms in their nature require a hands free, sterile communications. Special wipe clean, flush fitting Clean Room Stations, provide Duplex communications to the rest of the department.

Pharmacy intercom communications

Air locks require communications from one side of the air lock to the other. This can be provided using Clean Room Stations,

Department announcements

Public Address announcements through out the department are useful when looking for staff, or in a critical situation where urgent information needs to be conveyed.

For further assistance please contact our sales office on +44 (0)1353 865 568, Or complete the attached contact form.